I'm practicing Canon Rock right now.Believe me,for a no-electric guitar-based-noobkia like me,it's at the tip of impossible playing it.Uniformed rhythm,outstanding techniques,and the I-donno-how-to-read short form makes this song a tough one.Can someone teach me whats prebend,prebend release and stuff like that?Thx guys and have a nice day.
5 years ago
lol...push(bend) de string up den bend down again gua...
just a random comment.
i think you should start on something easier.
progressive people don't jump from a-z, they still need to go through abcdefgh.... but they are just able to go through it faster than others.
don't concentrate on solos or things that look or sound impressive.
first good thing to learn is how to play as a band.
1 person may do something great, but with many, they can do something greater.
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